
For the Record - Feb. 17, 2018

Pitcher charged: In the Feb. 15 Sports section, a brief news item about former All-Star pitcher Esteban Loaiza facing drug charges in San Diego County Superior Court said he had entered a guilty plea. He pleaded not guilty.

Florida shooting: In the Feb. 16 Section A, an article on the Florida high school shooting this week said that YouTube user Ben Bennight lives in Alabama. He lives in Mississippi.

Student choir: In the Feb. 16 Calendar section, an article about an oratorio collaboration between the Van Nuys High School choir and the Los Angeles Master Chorale misspelled the last name of student Clara Pierone as Pirone.


Traveling in Britain: In the Feb. 11 Travel section, the “On the Spot” column said that Britain is a Schengen country, which means visitors must have at least six months of validity remaining on their passport to be admitted. Britain is not a Schengen country, but six months of validity for your U.S. passport is recommended, according to the U.S. State Department website.

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