Search for Remains
NO STONE UNTURNED: McCrary sifts excavated soil for human remains and personal effects. As memories faded, the crash site became a garbage dump. (Don Kelsen / LAT)
IN CHARGE: William R. Belcher is a civilian anthropologist for the military and director of the Mojave excavation. Because of survivors, he lamented, were going to open up a lot of old wounds. (Don Kelsen / LAT)
SCRUTINY: Staff Sgt. Keith Burnette carefully studies soil at the parched high desert site for evidence of the doomed crew members. (Don Kelsen / LAT)
RESTING PLACE: Sgts. 1st Class Robert Hyatt, left, and Morris McCrary are among seven servicemen and an anthropologist who spent more than a month working the site. There was no better way to spend Memorial Day, Hyatt said. (Don Kelsen / LAT)