
Map: Marijuana dispensaries told to close

The city of Los Angeles has warned 439 medical marijuana dispensaries that they must shut their doors by June 7. City prosecutors began notifying dispensary operators the first week of May, the first step in what could be a lengthy and expensive legal battle to regain control over pot sales.

This map shows the locations of businesses listed by the city as having been notified. In some cases, owners have contacted The Times to say they were listed by the city in error and have requested city officials correct the record. Those instances are noted below.

Dispensaries that registered with the city by a November 2007 deadline can stay open. City officials say that 137 the 186 that originally registered are still in business. Those dispensaries have six months to comply with the ordinance, which requires stores to be 1,000 feet from places where children congregate, including schools and parks. See a map of dispensaries who have given city notice of intent to stay open: Map: Los Angeles dispensaries claiming right to operate

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  • According to the shop's owner, the city's master list of dispensaries incorrectly lists The Green House Smoke Shop in Venice (1428 Abbot Kinney Boulevard, 90291) as a dispensary.
  • California Alternative Caregivers in Venice (122 Lincoln Blvd) was listed by the city as getting a notice to close but, in fact, is among the dispensaries who registered by the 2007, according to the owner and a new list released by the city of legal dispensaries.
  • The Hollywood Collective (THC) (5322 Sunset Boulevard, 90027) was originally incorrectly mapped to a location in middle of Griffith Park. The map point has been corrected.
  • Los Angeles city attorney officials have acknowledged that Berkeley Clinic (6430 Selma Av, Los Angeles, 90028), which provides marijuana recommendations, is not a dispensary and has been removed from the list of businesses told to close by June 7.

Source: Los Angeles City Council