
‘We support our local police’ scrawled on stolen car in pursuit near Disneyland

The driver of a stolen car with “We support our local police dept.” written on the back window and packed with people led police on a winding, speeding chase Friday on the streets near Disneyland.

The chase started in Buena Park, and by about 12:30 p.m., it had moved into Anaheim, where additional units joined the pursuit, said Anaheim police Sgt. Chris Moody.

The chase was broadcast on local television, which showed the black, four-door car speeding along Ball Road and Harbor Boulevard near Disneyland with a squad car in close pursuit.


During the chase, the driver sped into wrong-way traffic and steered into busy intersections as other motorists raced across his path. Police tried at least twice to force the car out of control, but each time the driver recovered.

At one point, an officer appeared to nearly trap the car in a grocery store parking lot but the driver cut through open parking spaces, missing customers walking through with their shopping cars, and briefly escaped.

After the driver exited the parking lot, he was seen leaning out the window of the car, waving both hands in the air and making gestures toward police.


Then, without any apparent prompting, he stopped the car and rapidly surrendered. He stepped out of the car, walked onto a traffic island in the middle of the street, dropped to his knees and put his hands on his head.

At least three other people inside the car were then ordered out by police and were seen surrendering to officers.

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