
Tax Day quiz: Honest Abe? Tricky Dick? Machine Gun Kelly?

You might describe April 15 as America’s “anti-holiday.” As Joseph Thorndike, a historian and director of the Tax History Project, put it, Tax Day is “something we all share but not something any of us want to do.”

In fact, Americans have been grudgingly filing federal taxes for 100 years. A 1913 constitutional amendment gave Congress the power to levy the first income tax at a rate of 7%. If it’s any consolation, taxes hit the famous as well as the not so famous. Just last week, President Obama and First Lady Obama reported that they paid $112,214 in federal taxes in 2012, for an 18.4% effective income tax rate.

If nothing else, taxes have inspired some quotable quotes. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall said, “The power to tax involves the power to destroy.” Conversely, another member of the high court, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., observed, “Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.”


Don’t be pertinacious, take the vocab quiz | Daylight saving time quiz

Even if you’re still calculating deductions and reviewing receipts as you fill out your 1040, take a moment for a Tax Day quiz with some surprises. Do you know which president first made his tax return public? Or which ultra-wealthy man occupied a tax bracket all by himself? Take the test.
