
Mind the (achievement) gap

What’s causing academic performance by Black and Latino students to lag the rest of California? Can, and should, something be done about it. All this week Russlyn Ali, executive director of Education Trust-West, will debate Richard Rothstein, author of Class and Schools, on the achievement gap.

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    What are three changes you would make to ensure public schools can teach low-income students and students of color more effectively? Russlynn Ali and Richard Rothstein conclude their debate on California’s achievement gap.

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    Why is the Los Angeles Unified School District lagging in reclassification of English learners, and what’s the secret of successful districts? Russlynn Ali and Richard Rothstein continue their debate on California’s achievement gap.

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    Who or what is to blame for lagging performance by minority students? Richard Rothstein and Russlynn Ali continue their weeklong debate on the achievement gap.

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    What effect has the No Child Left Behind Act had on California’s achievement gap? Russlynn Ali and Richard Rothstein continue their weeklong debate.

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    Given that results for black and Latino students are improving, is the achievement gap something we should be trying to solve at all? Isn’t there a danger of doing more harm than good? All this week, Russlynn Ali and Richard Rothstein debate the achievement gap.
