
Letters to the Editor: White Republicans think they’re the victims of racism? They have no idea

A crowd at a political rally for President Trump
Former President Trump appealed to white voters’ grievances, many observers say.
(Ben Gray / Associated Press)

To the editor: If it wasn’t so outrageously sick, the fact that more white people are starting to think that they are the biggest targets of discrimination and unfair treatment would be laughable. (“What’s behind Republican anger at the NFL? Shifting views on race,” Feb. 11)

My uninformed white brothers, you have no idea what being treated unfairly and walking under a cloud of discrimination every day is like. So, stop trying to cover up the damage that whites have done with segregation and discrimination against Blacks and other people of color, whose sweat and labor help build this great country — and who are still waiting to be treated fairly.

In Republican-controlled states, bills that suppress the votes primarily of minorities are being enacted, ensuring continued oppression of people of color. What’s “fair” is not in the eyes of the oppressed; it’s in the eyes of the oppressor.


Donald Peppars, Pomona


To the editor: All I can say is, grow up.

After 400 years of racism towards Blacks, the treatment of Asians and the antipathy toward any religion besides Christianity, the privileged class should be working to make the country more equitable, not scrambling to preserve their ability to lord over everyone.

Putting up with a little discomfort is a small price to pay for a country where you are judged on your merits, not your skin.

You can’t legislate the way people feel, but you can legislate more equity in treatment. If we’re diligent, a few more generations could help wash some of the stain away.


Susan Polifronio, Hollywood


To the editor: Reading your article brought to mind once again the Republican rhetoric that claims theirs is the “party of Lincoln.”

Would Lincoln be nominated by the Republican Party today if he was alive? Better yet, would he be a Republican?

Joseph Ferreri, Los Angeles
