
Readers React: What hath Fox News and Donald Trump wrought?

Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during the Republican debate in Milwaukee on Nov. 10. Trump did not participate in Thursday's Fox News-hosted debate.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during the Republican debate in Milwaukee on Nov. 10. Trump did not participate in Thursday’s Fox News-hosted debate.

(Scott Olson / Getty Images)

To the editor: On Feb. 2, our nation will wake up to the results of the Iowa caucuses and also to Groundhog Day.(“Donald Trump, feuding with Fox News over Megyn Kelly, pulls out of GOP debate,” Jan. 26)

In the spirit of merger and showmanship (both hallmarks of a certain front-runner), maybe we could consider combining the two, with Fox News host Megyn Kelly announcing:

“Donald Trump has just emerged victorious in this obscure yet prophetic event. Sadly, the long shadow of stupidity in America means we’re in for plenty of foul weather ahead.”


Laura Brown, Pasadena


To the editor: Kelly’s “gotcha” question at the first GOP debate about the way Trump talks about women was as inappropriate and unfair as if a referee in football or basketball tried to tackle one of the players.

The public is tired of journalists who set themselves up as a sort of police force for political correctness. We admire Trump because he exposes the arrogance and absurdity of the media telling people what they ought to think.

I have not watched Kelly’s show since the incident occurred and only continue to watch Fox sometimes because other commentators are more fair in their coverage.


Richard Keeling, Torrance


To the editor: We need serious political leaders and astute, unbiased, capable journalists in this country. The spat between Trump and Kelly is like a circus side-show.

I may not always agree with Fox News, but the question Kelly asked Trump during the first Republican debate was legitimate and important. Trump responded like a spoiled child, and he continues to be rude and dismissive of anyone who disagrees with him.

Sadly, I do not find the Democratic candidates to be any more appealing. I’ve never viewed a national political lineup, let alone a presidential slate, with greater concern and dismay.


If this is the best selection we can produce, we’re in big trouble.

Nancy Rigg, Camarillo


To the editor: Is it possible that Trump does not really want to be our president but just wants to be seen and heard?

Nancy E. Schoettler, Pasadena

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