
Letters: A bigger boat

Re “Moor is less for critics of Newport mega-yachts,” Aug. 27

I have to laugh at the Newport residents who are unhappy at the arrival of a 216-foot yacht. Anyone who has visited its harbor knows that it is packed with oversized, overdone boats that rarely leave the dock. Everything about the harbor, from its enormous boats to its flashy homes to its fleets of luxury cars, is about the display of wealth. But let somebody come in with an even bigger boat, and all of a sudden it’s the end of the world.

Do we perhaps detect a bit of envy here?

Geoff Kuenning

Now here is a story I can really relate to. Developer Rick Caruso’s 216-foot yacht is going to block the view of million-dollar homes.

This is riveting stuff, and I want to thank you for the in-depth coverage.

I can sleep easy tonight knowing that Caruso will not have trouble parking this monstrosity in Newport Harbor.


Chuck Rinaldi
Huntington Beach
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