
Readers React: Internet porn imparts troubling, misogynistic lessons on sex to young men

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To the editor: Many young people — and of particular relevance, young men — are learning about sex through online pornography. (“So your kid’s using the internet to learn about sex. Don’t flip out,” Opinion, Feb. 15)

These young men aren’t looking to broaden their understanding of sex. And in the process, the nature of the images they are accessing repeatedly “teaches” them that women exist for men’s pleasure.

Boys learn that sex largely is about dominance and that females’ performance of certain sexual acts for the pleasure of males is a standard of intimacy that is to be expected — or if necessary and by right, demanded. As a result, we are raising generations of young men whose notions of sex are based on two-dimensional fantasies that actually rob sex of its intimacy.


My advice to people who are raising males in this age of easy access to porn is to play an active role in helping our children interpret these ubiquitous but deadening images. These pornographic visions are likely to harm both our male and female children as they endeavor to establish meaningful relationships in this three-dimensional world.

Joshua Lazerson, Encinitas

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