
Opinion: In Donald Trump’s hollow words

Khizr Khan and his wife, Ghazala, at the Democratic National Convention. They are the parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed while serving in Iraq.
Khizr Khan and his wife, Ghazala, at the Democratic National Convention. They are the parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed while serving in Iraq.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, others: Your Joseph Nye Welch moment regarding Sen. Joseph McCarthy in 1954 has nearly come and gone. (“Trump reacts to Muslim’s speech,” July 31 and “New Trump dispute has familiar tone,” Aug. 1 )

Won’t you please ask your party’s nominee for the highest office in the land, in front of the world, whether he has any decency, any shame?

If you don’t, you can bet we will ask it of you

William Deverell, Pasadena


To the editor: Donald Trump has again demonstrated an utter lack of respect and compassion by suggesting that Khizr Khan’s presentation at the Democratic Convention was written by Clinton speechwriters and that Ghazala Khan was somehow prevented from speaking.


Anybody who saw the Khans’ interview on MSNBC would have been struck by the genuineness of their feelings having lost a son who died a hero. Khan made his case in that interview so eloquently that no reasonable person could conclude that he had been handed a script at the convention. And the observer would have had to conclude that it was the pain in her heart, not a crass political decision, that prevented Ghazala Khan from speaking at the convention.

Trump, who probably should have kept his mouth shut, comments that he “sacrificed” by working hard. That discounts the genuine sacrifice suffered by the Khans and others who have lost family members who died defending our country.

Stu Olster, Laguna Hills


To the editor: OK, pop quiz! Which alternate best defines the word “sacrifice?”

a) Losing a son to combat.

b) Hiring thousands and thousands of people (many of whom later lost those jobs due to bankruptcy).


Monty Armstrong, Irvine


To the editor: Trump tweeted asking whether he was allowed to respond to criticism from the Khan family. Of course he is allowed to respond, but as a candidate for the presidency, he has an obligation to respond honorably, appropriately and correctly — and he failed on every level. Statements like those he made about the Khan family emphasize Trump’s complete unfitness to lead our country.

Ours was a military family for 12 years, and we honor Capt. Khan, his family and all those who serve and protect our country.

Terry Walker, Sylmar


To the editor: Trump says, “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices,” but names none. Instead, he goes to his fallback position of self-aggrandizement by saying he’s “built great structures.” It was not only an insult to the Khans, it was an insult to his supporters who make real sacrifices in their lives.


Linda Shahinian, Culver City


To the editor: Mr. Trump, have you no compassion? How difficult would it have been to say, “I’m sorry for your loss,” and leave it at that?

Instead, you touted your accomplishments, which had nothing to do with death and dying, and in the same breath hit below the belt by attacking his wife. If this is how you think before you speak, then God help all of us in the United States of America.

Sheryl Kinne, Lake Balboa


To the editor: U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004. May he rest in peace. I honor his memory as a hero.

Why were his parents not at the Democrat conventions in 2004, 2008 or 2012? Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party should be ashamed of themselves for using his death, his photo and his parents for political motives.

Charles M. Prignano, Colorado Springs, Colo.

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