
Opinion: Roman Polanski ran away after pleading guilty. He deserves no leniency.

To the editor: Two things should be noted about fugitive Roman Polanski’s possible return. (“Roman Polanski’s lawyer says the director should not face more prison time in 1977 sexual assault case,” March 20)

First, Polanski was granted bail. He was released from custody on the condition that he would return for sentencing. Instead, in 1978, he ran like hell.

Second, let us remember that Polanski admitted his guilt of the charge of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. It’s not like we discussing a man who was found guilty through some error. He did things with a 13-year-old that were, and are still now, a felony in civilized countries.


It is long past the time this matter should have be settled. Polanski should be held accountable for the crime he has already confessed to.

E.M. Gould, Burbank


To the editor: Polanski survived the Nazis, he survived the murder of his pregnant wife and, for close to 40 years, he has survived the antics of the Los Angeles criminal justice system.

He has suffered enough. Justice will occur when Polanski returns. Such is also what Samantha Geiger, his child victim, wants.


Barry Dank, Palm Desert

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