
Letters to the Editor: Ukraine meddling is another ‘alternative fact’ — also known as a lie

Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and President Trump.

To the editor: When people like Republican Sens. John Kennedy of Louisiana and Ted Cruz of Texas, who are smart enough to know better, morally equate Russian and Ukrainian election interference, the intended result is to confuse and ultimately lead people to throw up their hands and say: “I give up, how can I know? They’re all corrupt.” (“Republicans acknowledge Russian election interference. So why are they so irrational about Ukraine?” Opinion, Dec. 10)

When White House advisor Kellyanne Conway trots out “alternative facts,” what she is really conveying is that there are no facts. And if there are no facts, then any statement is as good as any other, hence the 13,000-plus lies Trump has uttered as president.

Ultimately, the truth becomes whatever our dear leader says it is.

Chris Fite, Spring Valley, Calif.


To the editor: Jonah Goldberg is correct in concluding that the president’s Ukraine strategy is to “misinform or to push an agenda.”


Trump’s interest, moreover, in the “announcement” of the investigation as distinguished from the investigation itself establishes conclusively that the administration had no interest in weeding out corruption or in the truth.

As any lawyer who does even a smattering of litigation knows, a public announcement is inimical to a successful investigation. For as soon as the investigation is announced, the culprits circle the wagons, documents are doctored or disappear, witnesses disappear, and anyone who could give evidence and who hasn’t disappeared is given a script or coached.

Investigations are successful only if witnesses talk freely and honestly, and an honest investigation into the happenings in Ukraine is the last thing Trump wants.


Les Zador, Encino


To the editor: Goldberg exposes the conspiracy theory that debunks itself.

Trump and his ilk claim Ukraine tried to take him down by meddling “on behalf of Hillary Clinton” in 2016 — when the hacking of the Democratic National Committee “dealt a devastating blow to her campaign.” Say what?

The “always Trumpers” believe Ukraine tried to help Clinton by dealing her campaign a devastating blow? That makes sense, just like up is down, fast is slow and day is night.

I realize we are in a post-truth era, but does logic not matter at all anymore?

Russell S. Kussman, Pacific Palisades
