
From LAX, $617 round trip to Cebu City, Philippines, on Cathay Pacific

Round-trip fare from LAX to Cebu City on Cathay Pacific is $617 for travel from March through early December. Cebu is one of more than 7,000 islands that make up the Philippines.
Round-trip fare from LAX to Cebu City on Cathay Pacific is $617 for travel from March through early December. Cebu is one of more than 7,000 islands that make up the Philippines.
(Flash Parker / Getty Images)

You can fly round trip from LAX to Cebu City, Philippines, for $617, including all taxes and fees, on Cathay Pacific.

The fare, subject to availability, is good for departures from March 12 through Dec. 4, excluding June and July.

The State Department rates the Philippines as a 2 on its new four-point scale. That rating means “exercise increased caution.” The country-specific information cites terrorism, bombings and kidnappings, sometimes in tourist areas.


Cebu City is a bustling port. Ferdinand Magellan’s 1521 arrival paved the way for its becoming the islands’ Spanish capital four decades later, an influence that is still visible today.

Info: Cathay Pacific, (800) 233-2742.

Source: Airfarewatchdog


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