
An ugly incident adds more stress to an already difficult situation

Thank you for the Fly Guy column about the ugly incident on Ryanair that occurred on Oct. 19 [“Ugly Rant Goes Unstopped,” by Elliott Hester]. I felt that the airline didn’t handle the situation correctly.

As an African American woman, it’s stressful enough navigating some spaces traveling, with air travel specifically being one of them. To hear someone being treated that way (and her family feeling the need to be apologetic) was very upsetting.

I cringed listening to that hateful man. It also brought forth an anger within that l don’t like feeling either. When the professional (flight attendant) steps in and handles the situation correctly, it helps the situation and puts the hateful person on notice that the behavior will not be tolerated. That is much appreciated.


That didn’t happen with Ryanair, but it should have happened immediately.

Thank you for a column that so eloquently explained this.

Lynette Kelsey


Take taxi to doc, not van

In February, I took my family to a resort on Mexico’s Playa del Carmen, just south of Cancún. On the last day of our trip, I developed a 104-degree fever and asked to be seen by the hotel doctor.

He said I should go to the clinic and ordered a van for me. He said repeatedly that this would cost me nothing. I said I could take a taxi, but he kept saying the van wouldn’t cost anything.

I got in the van and went to the clinic. Weeks later, I got a bill for $937. I objected and wrote letters to the ambulance company and the hotel. Dead silence. I finally paid the bill.


I later spoke with a person at the ambulance company, which is based in New Jersey, and I repeated my story. She told me that she hears similar stories all the time and that it was the fault of the hotel, not the ambulance company.

This fraud appears to be commonplace, but no one seems to do anything to stop it.

In case this happens to you: Take the $6 taxi. I hope this helps someone else avoid this crazy charge.

Kate M. Neiswender

Blue Jay

[email protected]

