
Readers recommend

Greece: island idyll

Adonis Hotel, Mikonos (Hora) 84600, , 011-30-22890-22434. “This newly renovated boutique hotel is conveniently situated at the top of Hora (Mikonos Town) on this island known for its magnificent and diverse beaches. Spacious suites provide class and comfort; public areas include two bars, a reading room and a new first-class restaurant. The owners and their staff made us feel as though we were longtime friends instead of first-timers.” Rates: Doubles from $103, depending on season.

Laura Schwartz

Marina del Rey


England: country house

The Old Rectory, Cricket Malherbie, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 OPW; 011-44-1460-54364, . “Beautiful old English country house has been converted to an intimate, five-bedroom, antique-filled B&B. Beautiful location, gardens and excellent breakfasts at this prizewinning hotel. Many historic estates and gardens are nearby; also close to Bath, Glastonbury, Exeter and Stonehenge. Owners are charming and provide exceptional service.” Doubles from $141 a night.

Penelope Burley



Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone number, as well as the address, phone number and Internet site of the place or person you are recommending.
