Jamestown, Virginia
At Virginias Jamestown Settlement, Ed Wilson, left, Don Hulich and Dennis Parris get to work. Dressed in period clothing, the volunteers look over the rigging after hoisting a yardarm on the replica sailing ship Discovery. Jamestown Settlement is marking its 400th year. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
Sword at his side, a re-enactor is ready for questions from curious kids and other visitors at the state-run facility. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
Tourists salute for the camera while wearing armor similar to that which the Jamestown colonists would have worn four centuries ago. Visitors can also try their hand at grinding corn, scraping out a canoe, games and other period activities. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
A young visitor tries on an old-fashioned contraption for carrying two buckets at once. History will be the focus of the anniversary weekend May 11 to 13, when visitors will find a range of special exhibits and entertainment. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
Its Pocahontas! Kids get acquainted with a statue of the young Indian girl on the grounds of Historic Jamestowne, site of the actual settlement. Despite Pocahontas celebrity status today (including the popular Disney movie), theres little reference to her at Jamestowne. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
A volunteer invites tourists to try on helmets and vests at Jamestown Settlement, which is a re-creation of the original homestead nearby. At the settlement, the story of its founding is told with living history, gallery exhibits and on film. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
A statue of Capt. John Smith stands tall on the banks of the James River at Historic Jamestowne. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
Archeologists Don Warmke, left, and David Givens of the Assn. for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities work on a possible burial site at Jamestowne. (Mark Wilson / Getty)
Crosses mark the spots where archeologists found human remains dating back to the original settlers. Colonists landed in Virginia on May 14, 1607. (Mark Wilson / Getty)