
Letters to the Travel editor

I always look forward to reading Susan Spano, and her article “After the Killing Fields” [May 15] did not disappoint. I am 67 and have traveled extensively by myself. My trip to Cambodia remains my most memorable for the same reasons that Spano so eloquently details. Although the spirit of the people who managed to survive the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge is indelibly etched in my memories, so is the fact that all of the women I saw who, although they were in my age range, with their lined faces, stooped posture and toothless smiles seemed decades older. Everywhere I went people treated me, a senior, with respect, but it was I who looked upon these survivors as the ones who merited my respect and admiration.

Ruth Kramer Ziony

Los Feliz

Gay coverage is defended

According to Keith Kendrick’s letter [May 15], the Travel section is bigoted and acts as if gay people don’t exist? Apparently he missed the more than two-page article March 20 extensively covering several gay neighborhoods — a must-read for anyone interested in experiencing our gay backyard.

Plus, how could he not notice out-and-proud Jane Engle’s well-written travel pieces? Or Craig Nakano’s intriguing past articles that contain the phrase “my partner and I.”


As a 30-year gay subscriber, I find the L.A. Times Sunday Travel section a must-read. Perhaps Kendrick should switch to the Advocate if he’s seeking more gay coverage. It is simply mean-spirited to write that this paper slights its many loyal gay readers.

Kyle Kimbrell

Playa del Rey

If your IDs are lost or stolen

Regarding Catharine Hamm’s “Identity Crisis” [On the Spot, May 15] on what to do if your ID is stolen while traveling: One thing to do is to have a photocopy of your driver’s license and passport in your carry-on bag. We’ve had problems twice: once with a lost driver’s license, and once when my husband left it at home.

Because we had this photocopy, both times we got on the plane with only a limited amount of extra discussion with TSA.


Anne Roberts

Santa Monica

Taxes should be disclosed

Regarding “Hidden Fees” by Catharine Hamm [On the Spot, April 24]: We should demand that the business be upfront with its price and not hide part of it as add-on fees that are not included in the quoted price.

Taxes are less clear cut because we are all used to sales tax not being part of the quoted price. However, travel taxes are not calculated the same as retail sales taxes and can be a much larger portion of the final price, so they should be disclosed along with the merchant’s price.

David Fink

Los Angeles
