
Letters: Healthcare across the pond

Re “Why healthcare is better overseas,” Column, Oct. 4

Probably the main reason healthcare seems so much easier and cheaper abroad is that governments are in charge. In the U.S., the system we have mostly places corporate profits above health. Health-related corporations give so much money to political organizations and campaigns that it is practically impossible for elected officials to break free from this situation.

Sadly, only when Americans travel abroad and need treatment do they find out how much different healthcare cost and access can be.

Luis Suarez-Villa


David Lazarus’ column really hit home.

I’ve just completed a five-month battle with United Healthcare over payment of a claim. I spoke with more than a dozen people before the claim was correctly processed, in spite of the fact that UHC had everything it needed to process the claim on Day 1. Our system is broken.


Based on the experience of one American who received care for pneumonia in Britain, I checked out the cost of flying to London (first class, with chauffeur service), staying in a hotel suite and seeing the doctor on Monday and returning home on Tuesday. The total: about $11,000.

Seems like a better deal and a better experience, with a $6,000 cost savings to boot.

Linda Whalen

Beverly Hills

I too had a great healthcare experience in France. I saw a doctor when I wanted (not in a hospital) and got a prescription. It was cheap and easy and I got what I needed.

The French do not live in fear of going broke over healthcare. That’s got to be a peaceful way to live.


Celeste Demetor

Yorba Linda


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