
Staying true to God and country

Christians living in this land of liberty rightly have at the top of

our list of thanksgivings “glad to be an American.”

Acknowledging this blessing, it is in gratitude that we are to

follow the laws of our nation as we pray with peoples of all nations.

Challenges come for Christians when our “patriotism” and

responsibility to “the law of the land” collide with our “faith” and

loyalty to God’s law.

Remember what St. Augustine wrote in “The City of God”: “Two

cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by love of self,

even to the contempt of God, the heavenly by the love of God, even to

the contempt of self. The earthly city glories in itself, the

heavenly city glories in the Lord. ... In the one, the princes and

the nations it subdues are ruled by the love of ruling; in the other,

the princes and the subjects serve one another in love.”

More than a series of dos and don’ts, which help us keep healthy

(eat sensibly, get enough sleep and exercise, don’t jump out of boats

unless you can swim, etc.) and happy (be at peace with your neighbor,

get rid of hatred and envy, tell the truth, avoid temptations to evil

you’re not strong enough to resist, etc), God’s law makes us human.

God’s law is love.



St. Michael & All Angels

Episcopal Church

Costa Mesa

In the Islamic tradition, we read, “the love of the homeland is

part of one’s faith.”

Therefore, patriotism is one of the qualities of a faithful

person. However, patriotism should not be translated as bigotry and

discrimination. It should also not be exercised at the expense of

hurting other nations and people.


Islamic Educational

Center of Orange County

Costa Mesa

Judaism affirms a universal message of peace and harmony authored

by the God of all humankind. Yet, Judaism maintains that it is

through the particular that we affect the general. As Americans,

Jewish citizens work toward the strengthening of our great country

that it may be an inspiring force and shining beacon for others.

America is most blessed by its patriots when it serves to rid the

world of evil, lift up the fallen of the nations and offer hope for

the advancement of others.

There are those who deride patriotism as passe and even dangerous.

I see a nobility in our love for the United States. I thrill when I

hear the National Anthem and see the Stars and Stripes snapping in

the breeze. I feel privileged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and

when I travel beyond her shores, I am grateful to possess a passport

stamped with the emblem of America. Patriotism is not to be

apologized for. I am thankful to God for all he has done through

America on behalf of a better world for us and our children. God

bless America!


Temple Bat Yahm

Newport Beach
