
Kenny Rakestraw Born: May 24, 1988 Hometown:...

Kenny Rakestraw

Born: May 24, 1988

Hometown: Newport Beach

Height: 6-foot-4

Weight: 160 pounds

Sport: Cross country

Position: No. 1 runner

Coach: Nowell Kay

Favorite food: Burritos

Favorite movie: “40-year-old Virgin”

Favorite athletic moment: “Winning my race last Saturday at the

Laguna Hills invitational. I’ve never won a race before.”

Week in review: Rakestraw had the day’s fastest time (15:40) in

winning the Laguna Hills invitational’s senior Division II race.

After adjusting to an 8-inch growth spurt as a junior, Rakestraw came

out strong and started his senior season on the right foot.

Daily Pilot

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